Broken Marriages.
“Marriages are made in heaven”; is the commonly used phrase, isn’t it? With the flow of time and experience, this phase seems to fade. Actually, marriage is a whole new world, it is as different as it can be, and it needs a reflection and special actions to get what you want out of marriage. But today, many couples seem to be struggling to save their marriage, because each marriage does not seem to be an eternal, heavenly and beautiful affair. lack of mutual understanding, support, trust, compatibility, communication, and time; no matter what the reason, it obviously damages one’s physical, psychological, social, and familial existence and entity. Most of the couples fail to deal with all these things, so they have the feeling that just breaking up would be a lifesaver for now, but the harsh truth of life is – “everything comes with a price”. Broken marriages have their own significance depending upon one’s situation, for some it might be freeing from a crippling relationship, whatever the situation is, breaking a bond is always stressful. It leads to anxiety, depression, lifestyle changes. Although couples are already familiar with it, they decide to separate, because their marriage is never like a fairy tale.
Every religion teaches us that marriage is a sacred connection between “two imperfect people”, created by a perfect God and preserved together with unlimited love, unshakeable faith, and devotion. We go so deep into all these words and create an imaginary world of fairy tales in which everything feels so perfect that we do not notice here that there are two imperfect people, that’s why promises of commitment and understanding are made in weddings. It is very important for today’s generation, where divorce has been an acceptable and normal fact of life to understand that a strong marriage requires two people to choose to love one another, even in those days when they struggle to love each other. Almost all married people fight, indeed, a marriage in which no fights at all takes place may well be the one which is dying, or died of emotional undernutrition. If you care, you’ll probably fight.
I’m sure we all heard the quote, where an old couple was asked, how did they manage to stay together so long. They replied: “we’re from a time when something was broken, we fix it, not throw away”. That means there’s no challenge strong enough to destroy your marriage as long as you’re both ready to stop fighting against each other and start fighting for each other.
A broken marriage is just up there among the top pain producers. So, if your marriage is going that way, it’s time to act right away. Most of the couples put off marriage help thinking there is nothing they could do, or that things will somehow get fixed over time, but that never happens. It is not just enough to stay together, there is no rocket science, you just have to be realistic about your marriage, we are all human beings, we experience and need love, we understand the joy and happiness that is temporary. We are all souls, so we call our spouse our soul mate. Start to see what works and what doesn’t when you know how to sustain your marriage it will be fixed and all problems will end.
Here are some tips that could help you bring back a spark to your marriage life:
- Communicate; Use your words to share how you feel.
- Keep dating; don’t let the magic die.
- Be present at the moment,
- Have patience and control your ego; After all, you’re a family.
- Surprise your spouse with gifts at times; make that laugh happen again.
- Go for marriage help books (e.g.- Men are from mars and women are from Venus).
- Eat your dinner together.
- Take a deep breath.
Well, marriage is easy too; when you know how to do it, it’s not a lack of love, it’s a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.
If it’s too late and nothing works, remember, life doesn’t end when a marriage does. You still have miles to go and milestones to cross. If one relationship fell apart, it doesn’t mean every relationship will.
Good Luck!